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Power Of Positivity 

A rare opportunity to join this workshop

with Debendra Manandhar "Baradesh"


मंसीर 9 गते, शनिवार
समय: 11 देखी 5 बजे सम्म

The power of positivity is transformative. It can change your life and the lives of those around you.


Cultivate positivity in your life and see the amazing results it can bring.

Balloons Hanging in the Street

"If you can stay positive in a negative situation, you win."

सकारात्मक जीवन

Positive Living

Power Of Positivity

1- दिने अन्तरक्रियात्मक कक्षा (Interactive Workshop)

मंसीर 9 गते, 2080 शनिवार का दिन

समय: ठीक 11 देखि 5 बजे सम्म

Physical Workshop

* के तपाई आफ्नो जीवनमा परीवर्तन को खोजीमा हुनुहुन्छ?

* के तपाईं सकारात्मक जीवन बिताई आफ्नो भविष्यलाई सकारात्मक बनाउन चाहनुहुन्छ ? -

** सकारात्मकताले तपाईंको सम्पूर्ण जीवन बदल्न सक्छ ।

** परिवर्तनको सुरुवात आफूबाट गरौं ।

** जब तपाईं सकारात्मक बन्नुहुन्छ, तपाईं आफू वरिपरि सकारात्मकता फैलाउन थाल्नु हुन्छ ।


यहि आउँदो मंसीर 9 गते, 2080 शनिवार का दिन "सकारात्मक जीवन " विषयमा 1- दिने अन्तर्क्रियात्मक कक्षा (Interactive Workshop) हुंदैछ। यस गोष्ठी श्री देबेन्द्र मानन्धर "बरदेश" ले  संचालन गर्नु हुनेछ।


Main Topics:

  •  Meaning and Important of Attitude

  • Power of Positivity

  • Power of Choice: You have a choice

  • What makes a person Positive or Negative?

  • Benefits of having a positive mindset

  • How to stay positive in every situation, 

  • Steps to cultivate positivity


सहभागीता शुल्क: रु. 1000/-

सीट सीमित छ!!!

सहभागी हुन ईच्छुक हरुले आफ्नो सीट सुरक्षित गर्नको लागी छिट्टै नै

Registration Form भर्नु होला,  



उक्त कार्यक्रममा सहभागी हुन आफ्नो नाम दर्ता गर्न:

What is covered in the fee?

* Interactive workshop from 11 AM to 5 PM

* Tea/coffee with light snacks

*** Please bring notebook and pen.

थप जानकारी को लागी:


फोन न . 01-4951190 

मोबाईल: 9841384681

Continuing the Journey 

Living the life you really want to live

Happy  to announce



"Power of Positivity"

A one month journey of learning, practicing and experiencing 

with Debendra Manandhar 'Baradesh'


"My Life Paths"

A 3 months journey of Self-discovery

with Debendra Manandhar 'Baradesh'

Knowing 'Who Am I' and what do you really want in your life, designing the future you really want to see and living your life fully.

Please CLICK:

©2020 生活在灯光中

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